
Absenteeism in the Workplace: Causes, Impacts, and Effective Solutions

Adulting comes with a lot of challenges and hence every employee would love to take an off for personal or medical reasons once in a while. Every company has policies for employees to take paid and unpaid off. But when employees take off too often, it becomes an issue. This is called absenteeism.

Almost 40% of absences are caused by repeated personal reasons.Absenteeism in the workplace can be tough for everyone. When an employee is missing, even for a short time, it affects their work, their team, and the managers.

Understanding why someone is absent can help address the issue, provide the right support, and create a plan that benefits both the employee and the team. Additionally, it’s important to perform workload analysis to ensure that workloads are manageable and not contributing to absenteeism.

Further in the blog, we’ll go through the causes of absenteeism in the workplace, its impacts, and solutions to overcome it, with a focus on how employee engagement plays a vital role in reducing absenteeism.

What is absenteeism in the workplace?

Absenteeism in the workplace means frequently missing work without a valid reason, which affects how available and productive your team is. It can lead to increased workloads for other employees, lower morale, and potentially higher operational costs for the organization. Over time, consistent absenteeism, often linked to low employee engagement, can also impact the overall performance and success of the business.

What are types of absenteeism?

Employee absences don’t all fall into the same category. By identifying the specific type of absenteeism, you can develop a more effective plan to address and correct the issue swiftly and efficiently. Utilizing workforce analytics can help you better understand the patterns and causes of absenteeism, allowing for more targeted interventions and strategies to improve attendance.

There are three main types of absenteeism in the workplace:

Planned and approved absences

Planned and approved absences are leaves or time off that have been mutually agreed upon and scheduled by both the employee and employer.This category includes holiday leave, appointments, personal leave, paternity or maternity leave, compassionate leave, and similar types of time off. When an employee’s request for time off is submitted and approved, their absence shouldn’t cause any problems. With proper planning from the employee and their team, work and tasks can be arranged to accommodate the approved absence.

Unplanned but genuine absences

There are times when taking a half-day, full day, or even multiple days off from work is unavoidable and cannot be planned in advance. Although these unexpected absences can disrupt the workplace, they are an inevitable part of life. Such situations include sudden illnesses, family emergencies, or accidents. While these unplanned absences can be challenging, it’s important to recognize that they are often genuine and beyond the employee’s control. Companies should have strategies in place to manage these disruptions, ensuring that the work environment remains supportive and productive despite these unforeseen events.

Unplanned and unapproved absences

This is when excessive absenteeism in the workplace becomes an issue. Unauthorized and insincere absences can be particularly frustrating for colleagues who must cover the absent employee’s work and manage the overall disruption. These absences might occur when someone skips work without a valid or approved reason, such as taking a day off simply to avoid work. Another example is calling in sick when the employee isn’t genuinely ill or taking a day off to attend a personal event, like a concert or a social gathering, without getting prior approval or informing their employer.

Did you know

According to reports, the estimated loss of productivity due to unplanned absence reaches almost 40%.

The impact of absenteeism in the workplace

The impact of absenteeism in the workplace extends beyond just lost productivity, affecting team morale, increasing operational costs, and potentially damaging the company’s reputation and client relationships.. Additionally, absenteeism can complicate employee performance measurement, making it difficult to accurately assess and manage an employee’s contributions and overall effectiveness.

Impact on Productivity

Stress can cause up to a million employees to miss work every day–costing US businesses up to $300 billion a year. Absenteeism impacts both team and individual productivity. When employees are frequently absent, their tasks need to be taken over by others, which can slow down the entire team’s progress. This redistribution of work often leads to delays and decreased overall output.

Team members who pick up the slack may find their own productivity suffers due to the added workload, which can create stress and reduce their efficiency. On an individual level, employees covering for their absent colleagues might struggle to meet their own deadlines and maintain their usual performance levels.

As a result, absenteeism can lead to a drop in productivity across the board, affecting both the team’s collective progress and the performance of individual workers. Consequently, absenteeism not only disrupts the team’s workflow but also creates employee disengagement.

Impact on Profits

According to a report, employee absenteeism can cause your company to incur an annual loss of $225.8 billion.Absenteeism can seriously affect profits by raising costs and lowering productivity. When employees are often absent, companies might need to spend more on hiring temporary workers or paying overtime to cover the work.

This extra spending, combined with slower work and potential delays, can lead to missed deadlines and lost business. As a result, profit margins shrink, and customer satisfaction may drop. Over time, these problems can add up, making it harder for the company to stay profitable and invest in future growth.

Primary Causes Of Chronic Employee Absenteeism

Chronic employee absenteeism is a common problem that can seriously affect workplace productivity and team morale. It usually happens because of various reasons, including personal health issues and problems at work Knowing the main causes of absenteeism can help employers find better ways to manage and reduce it, ensuring they retain good employees and maintain a positive work environment.

Here are some of the most common reasons why employees might miss work frequently:

Workplace Bullying or Harassment

The survey found 30 percent of workers have direct experience being bullied in the workplace and an additional 19 percent have witnessed it. Employees who face bullying or harassment at work may avoid coming to work to escape the negative environment.

Minor Illness

Frequent minor illnesses, such as colds or headaches, can lead to regular short-term absences

Mental Health Issues

Anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions can contribute to consistent absenteeism, as employees may struggle to cope with work-related stress.

Employee attendance rates can be significantly impacted by mental health issues in addition to physical illnesses. As per report Twenty percent of US workers rate their mental health as fair or poor.

This has a significant impact on productivity, with missed work due to mental health issues estimated to cost the U.S. economy $47.6 billion annually in lost productivity.

Major Illness and Long-Term Conditions

Chronic diseases or serious health conditions often require extended time off, contributing to ongoing absenteeism.

Employee Burnout and Job Hunting

Overworked employees experiencing burnout may take frequent days off to recover or may skip work while searching for a new job.

Familial Matters and External Obligations

Family responsibilities, such as caring for a sick relative or handling personal obligations, can lead to repeated absences.

Approved Leave

Extended periods of approved leave, such as maternity or paternity leave, can also contribute to chronic absenteeism, especially if not well-managed.

Commuting Issues and Time Theft

: Difficult commutes, traffic delays, or misuse of time, such as arriving late or leaving early, can accumulate and affect overall attendance.

Team and Management Issues

Poor team dynamics, ineffective management, or a lack of support can lead to disengagement and frequent absences as employees try to avoid a negative work environment.

Ways To Reduce Absenteeism In The Workplace

Reducing absenteeism in the workplace is crucial for maintaining productivity and a positive work environment. Here are some effective strategies to achieve this:

Create a Clear Attendance Policy:

Start by establishing a well-defined attendance policy. This ensures that all employees understand the expectations regarding attendance and are aware of the consequences of excessive absences. Clear guidelines help set a standard and reduce misunderstandings.

Reward Employees with Good Attendance:

Recognizing and rewarding employees who consistently maintain good attendance can serve as a powerful motivator. By acknowledging their commitment, you can inspire others to improve their attendance records as well.

Address Unsanctioned Absences Immediately:

It’s important to act promptly when unsanctioned absences occur. Addressing the issue early on, perhaps through a conversation with the employee to understand the reasons behind their absence, can prevent patterns of absenteeism from developing.

Find Ways to Reduce Employee Stress:

Workplace stress is a common cause of absenteeism. To combat this, consider implementing wellness programs, ensuring manageable workloads, and fostering a supportive work environment. Reducing stress can lead to a healthier and more present workforce.


Consider health plans that offer your employees resources and wellness programs that help them take an active role in their physical and emotional well-being.

Offer Flexible Working Options:

Providing flexible working arrangements, such as remote work or adjustable hours, can help employees better balance their personal and professional lives. Flexibility reduces the need for unscheduled absences, as employees can manage their time more effectively.

Communicate with Employees and Provide Feedback:

Regular communication and feedback are key to identifying any underlying issues that might be causing absenteeism. Open dialogue allows management to address concerns before they escalate, fostering a more engaged and committed workforce.

Keep Track of Employee Absences:

Utilizing absence management tools, such as Time and Attendance Management software, is essential for monitoring employee work hours and absences. These tools help identify patterns of absenteeism, allowing management to address issues promptly and effectively.

companies that use attendance tracking software have seen experienced a nearly 20% decrease in employee absences.

How to Create an Effective Absence Policy

Components of a Strong Absence Policy

A strong absence policy should include clear guidelines and expectations for attendance, specifying what constitutes an excused versus an unexcused absence. It should outline the procedures for reporting absences, including how and when employees should notify their supervisors. The policy must also detail the consequences of repeated absenteeism, including any disciplinary actions. To ensure fairness and enforceability, the policy should be applied consistently across all employees, with consideration given to legal requirements and individual circumstances, such as medical conditions or family emergencies.

Using Data to Combat Absenteeism

Data plays a crucial role in effectively managing and reducing absenteeism. By analyzing attendance records, managers can identify patterns of absenteeism and the underlying causes. Absence management software is particularly valuable in this regard, as it automates the tracking process and provides real-time data on employee attendance. This data can help managers develop targeted solutions for absenteeism in the workplace, such as offering flexible work options or providing additional support to employees facing personal challenges.


An effective absence policy is essential for managing and reducing absenteeism in the workplace. By incorporating clear guidelines, fair enforcement, and data-driven strategies, employers can create a supportive work environment that encourages attendance and addresses the root causes of absenteeism. Utilizing tools like absence management software further enhances an organization’s ability to measure work productivity, and implement timely interventions, ultimately leading to a more productive and engaged workforce.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absenteeism is typically calculated by dividing the number of days employees are absent by the total number of workdays in a given period, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

For example, if a business has 23 workdays and 2.5 missed days, the absenteeism rate would be 11%:

  • Absenteeism Rate = (8 x 2.5) / (8 x 23)

  • Absenteeism Rate = 0.11

  • Percentage: 11%

Major causes include minor and major illnesses, workplace stress, personal obligations, job dissatisfaction, and poor management practices.

The rule of absenteeism refers to the policies and guidelines set by an organization to manage and address employee absences, including how absences are reported, categorized, and the consequences of excessive absenteeism.

The two types of absenteeism are authorized (planned and approved absences like vacations or medical leave) and unauthorized (unscheduled or unexplained absences without valid reasons).

Negative effects include reduced productivity, increased workload on other employees, higher operational costs, lower team morale, and potential damage to the company’s reputation.


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